Cylinder Liner Honing

Cylinder Liner Honing

Cylinder Liner Honing


Running surface of cylinder liners tend to lose proper surface profile due to polishing, scuffing, closed graphite structure etc., hence as per MAN B&W honing guidance, in order to remove the disturbed running surface and thus re-establish a good surface profile with adequate hardness and roughness, it is very important that cylinder liners are re-honed during every major service operation where the piston rings are also replaced.

Another important point is rectifying of out-of-roundness in case ovality limits of the cylinder liner beyond the permissible limits.

Benefits of honing can be summarised as below:

1.    Remove ovality, deformations and scratch marks in the cylinder liner wall.

2.    Produce a mesh of various depths in the material for the purpose of allowing the cylinder lube oil to remain in the mesh grooves for better lubrication.

3.    Achieve a fine surface for piston ring contact in a second step (plateau honing).

4.    Remove the hardness in the liner wall surface.


VITA has suitable honing devices, solid expertise, and sufficient experience which are required to achieve the proper honing result.

Below points also should be considered during honing process:

1.    Using emery paper not allowed and no effect to obtain proper surface even though cosmetic view looks good.

2.    Check measuring result of the liner surface and confirm plateau surface by proper roughness.

3.    Different surface profile can be obtained in same Ra value, hence recommend also checking Rvp an Rvk values to make sure plateau surface profile obtained.

4.    Cleaning of the cylinder unit after honing is extremely important, as the residues from the honing process are highly abrasive. The particles can be trapped in the grooves created during honing and in the cylinder lube oil quills. Wiping the surface with a rag is not sufficient, hence cylinder liner walls to be thoroughly cleaned.


Thanks to VITA’s PLC controlled-ovality correction patented-integrated cleaning brushed, honing machine and experienced field service team, so we can guarantee to our customers that above conditions will be obtained.

VITA Engineering offers in situ or in workshop liner honing up to 1.000 mm bore by strictly following maker’s instruction, please contact VITA ENGINEERING through 

Cylinder Liner Honing

Cylinder Liner Honing is a process developed to reconditioning of the cylinder liner inner surface and optimize engine performance and extend engine life. VITA's PLC controlled honing machine precisely processes the inner surfaces of engine cylinder liner, rectify the polishing, scuffing and ovality and enhancing lubrication efficiency. VITA cylinder Liner Honing machine using high-quality honing stones by innovative techniques, is one of the most reliable and efficient solutions in the industry.

Running surface of cylinder liners tend to lose proper surface profile due to polishing, scuffing, closed graphite structure etc., hence as per MAN B&W honing guidance, in order to remove the disturbed running surface and thus re-establish a good surface profile with adequate hardness and roughness, it is very important that cylinder liners are re-honed during every major service operation where the piston rings are also replaced.

Cylinder Liner Honing

Cylinder Liner Honing is produced with VITA's latest technology and engineering principles. VITA's design ensures a perfect finish on the inner surfaces of engine cylinders and maximizing engine performance. Using VITA's advanced honing techniques, surfaces processed with micron-level precision are achieved. This increases engine efficiency and ensures the cylinders last longer.


Cylinder Liner Honing offers a wide range of applications provided by VITA. VITA's product can be used in-situ up to 1.000 mm engine bores on the maritine and powerplant field.Especially preferred in high-performance engines and industrial engines that need to operate continuously, VITA's product ensures engines work more efficiently and have a longer lifespan.

The machining procedure is changed to a four-step honing procedure with various types of honingstones to obtain correct honing pattern and sufficient smoothness of the liner surface.

Cleaning of the cylinder unit after honing is extremely important, as the residues from the honing process are highly abrasive. The particles can be trapped in the grooves created during honing and in the cylinder lube oil quills nozzles.The cylinder liner wall is to be thoroughly cleaned, and wiping the surface with a rag is not sufficient,hence VITA finalize the cleaning by specially designed cleaning brushes installed on the honing machine.


The main advantages offered by Cylinder Liner Honing from VITA include:

  • High Precision: VITA's product processes the inner surfaces of cylinders with micron-level precision, ensuring the engine operates at optimum performance.
  • Durability and Reliability: VITA cylinder Liner Honing machine using high-quality materials and advanced techniques, providing long-lasting and reliable performance even under challenging working conditions.
  • Friction Reduction: The smooth surfaces provided by VITA reduce friction within the engine, allowing it to consume less energy and operate more efficiently.
  • Lubrication Efficiency: Cylinder Liner Honing by VITA increases the lubrication capacity of the inner surfaces of the cylinders, contributing to a cooler and more efficient running engine.
  • Energy Efficiency: Lower friction and more effective lubrication enhance the overall energy efficiency of the engine, reducing operating costs and environmental impact.
  • User-Friendly Application: VITA's product can be applied in a user-friendly manner. Applications performed by VITA's professional teams maximize engine performance.

  • Application Examples

    Cylinder Liner Honing widely preferred for the production and maintenance of high-performance engines. In the maritime sector, VITA uses it to extend the life and improve the performance of ship engines. In energy production facilities, VITA employs it to increase the efficiency of generator engines. In the heavy industry sector, VITA applies it to optimize the engine performance of large machinery and equipment.

    Benefits of honing can be summarised as below:

  • Remove ovality, deformations and scratch marks in the cylinder liner wall.
  • Produce a mesh of various depths in the material for the purpose of allowing the cylinder lube oil to remain in the mesh grooves for better lubrication.
  • Achieve a fine surface for piston ring contact in a second step (plateau honing).
  • Remove the hardness in the liner wall surface.
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